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"So that in all things God may be glorified."

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About the Conference of Benedictine Prioresses

The purpose of the conference is to provide its members mutual assistance and encouragement to further the vision and values of Benedictine cenobitic life within the Church and contemporary society.

Members Only Pages

This Members' Page is for Benedictine prioresses and administrators. You must have a member login to access this page and the pages within that page.


If you already have login credentials, you need to click the arrow above in the upper right-hand corner, My Account, and then enter your user email and password.


If you are a prioress or administrator and you do not have login credentials, please click the circle above then click SIGN UP. Once you enter your email and create a secure password (write this down, please), you will receive a welcome email from WIX. Soon after you will receive another email letting you know you now able to enter the Member's Page.

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